Hi Yuv,

> Almost a year ago I proposed a small change to how Hugin handles the caching
> of images [0].  It's a simple and dumb workaround and indeed in the ensuing
> discussion improvements such as the using of wxThreads were discussed.
> Moreover, the integration of layout mode was of higher priority, so I just
> dumped the patch in the tracker [1] after applying it to my production version
> of Hugin and I forgot about it.
> It came to my mind again when after a long time I started doing again more
> than just the occasional stitch.
> Even if it is imperfect, I committed it to the default branch.  It is
> deactivated by default.  A preferences toggle activates it.  It does not
> interfere with any other existing behavior/functionality, so if you don't like
> it, ignore it and it will ignore you.
Even deactivated it crashes on Windows. I can not load projects, add
images -> crash.

I'm in favour to revert this changes. Let me explain why:
1.) First you did not consider the points in the other thread which
were mentioned for bigger projects.
2.) You did not test it again on other systems after the massive
changes to the code (since the last year).
3.) You are using ImageOptions. This structure is deprecated since
merging of the layout mode and should not used any more. Exisiting
parts, which still use it, needs to be change.
4.) You are again modifing the panorama object outside the
CommandHistory. If you undo, this will interfere with the your OnIdle
5.) Even if the user deactivates the option, it will produce disc load
(on unix) / registry load (on windows), because you are reading and
reading again the config.

I think, this problem should be solved in a more general approach, as
already discussed in the other thread. Otherwise it creates more


PS: It seems that you have preferencitis ;-) If you add for each
feature an option on the preference and mark it as experimental, it
will become more confusing and at the end we will have only

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