Hi Yuv,

> My intention (correct me if I am wrong) is to implement PT::TranslatePanoCmd
> (pano, trx, try, trz).
> To make it similar to HuginBase::RotatePanorama, I will have to implement a
> new class, HuginBase::TranslatePanorama ? does it make sense for such a small
> functionality? should I put it in its own file TranslatePanorama.cpp or is it
> better to add a new one, TranslatePanorama.cpp ?
> > PT::RotatePanoCmd could be extended to support a rotation matrix in its
> > constructor instead of Euler angles.
> or should I extend PT::RotatePanoCmd to support also translation?
I think, put it a new class and a new file because it's new
functionality. Extending RotatePanorama would only make sense, if you
would plan to apply a rotation and a translation at the same time.

> > [1]
> >http://hugin.sourceforge.net/docs/html/classHuginBase_1_1RotatePanora...
> yes, the doxygen documentaiton is good to point details, but we still need
> some "higher up" description to guide newbies and occasional contributors.  A
> top down approach that is human enough not to scare people...

Yesterday I started to extend the doc. Give me some time, but this
issue is not high on my priority list.
If you add new classes, please add also some documentation.


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