Hi Thomas,

On September 28, 2010 02:57:10 am T. Modes wrote:
> I think, put it a new class and a new file because it's new
> functionality. Extending RotatePanorama would only make sense, if you
> would plan to apply a rotation and a translation at the same time.

I doubt anybody will want to apply a rotation and a translation at the same 
time.  But from a GUI perspective, I intend to put the Y/X/Z next to the 
yaw/pitch/roll fields and trigger the transform from the same button, checking 
for non-zero values.  To avoid history-confusions (half-redo), I will have to 
summarize both the rotation and translation as a single PanoCommand.

> > yes, the doxygen documentaiton is good to point details, but we still
> > need some "higher up" description to guide newbies and occasional
> > contributors.  A top down approach that is human enough not to scare
> > people...
> Yesterday I started to extend the doc. Give me some time, but this
> issue is not high on my priority list.

I understand.  Just make sure that choices are being discussed/agreed amongst 
contributors on this list, not simply decided by the first one who gets to 
edit the doc.

For instance, we had a discussion a while ago about coding style.  I still 
have the result of that discussion somewhere on my HDD and intended to put it 
on the Hugin website.  We can put an "executive summary" / introduction to the 
documentation on the Hugin website, with the goal of getting the occasional 
contributor up to speed as fast as possible with the dos and donts.

> If you add new classes, please add also some documentation.

I always try to document everything I do (e.g. in the Wiki).  Maybe not 
perfect, but I trust others will give me feedback when they see something I 
can do better.  Personally I learn a lot about the coding by reading the 
committ mails, but I must admit that I am not always very diligent about it, 
for lack of time, so sometimes I just look at the committ message, missing on 
an opportunity to learn.


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