Hi Matthew,

> The patch to the hugin-2010.2.0_rc2 tarball is available 
> here:http://www.mpetroff.net/hugin/hugin_windows-CPG-defaults_patch_2010-0...
> I would ask someone with commit access to apply the patch to the
> mercurial repository, but the new paths, while better organizing the
> detectors in lieu of package management, would make it more difficult
> for those not using an installer. One remedy would be to create empty
> folders for the various detectors when hugin is compiled so they could
> be populated with detectors later if desired. Detectors in bin still
> work of course, but the default paths have to be changed. Could one of
> the developers please voice an option on the issue?

Your patch does not work correctly. You can also give a relative path
and use the PATH variable to find to corresponding program. But with
your patch this does not work any more.


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