On October 3, 2010 12:07:54 pm Matthew Petroff wrote:
> On Oct 3, 7:44 am, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:
> > why patch the binaries if it can be done with the installer by simply
> > setting a couple of registry entries?
> The installer does set registry entries. What Henk was referring to,
> and what the patch was meant to address, is what happens when the load
> defaults button is pressed in settings. Hugin then overwrites the
> registry with the hard coded values, values that did not work with the
> paths used by the installer.

oh, got it! an ugly but functional workaround would be to store the defaults 
in the preferences (windows registry) and then use the load defaults button to 
take those stored values rather than the hard coded values.  should work on 
other systems as well and the extra bloat to the .hugin file (or the windows 
registry) is not tragic.  Then the installer would modify those values too, 
and unless somebody fiddles with the registry (or with the .hugin file) it 
should be robust enough.


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