Mateusz <> wrote:
> Sorry,

> This is not a projection I am trying to make.
> nona freezes my system with those three files.
> I also managed to make a linear assemble of my images, however when I
> turn projection in preview to stereographic and I move a bit ONLY
> image on axis (without moving those sliders at bottom and left) and
> then I try to make panorama it just eats all my swap and all RAM.
> For me this is bug of nona which is included in hugin package.

> I am attaching project file.

When I open this pto file and use "Stitch Now" nona works without

I do not completely understand "I move a bit ONLY image on axis". I
tried this:
open Fast Preview (OpenGL)
switch to the "Move/Drag" Tab
click into the image and pull a little bit to the left
go back to hugin Stitcher tag. [Stitch Now]. No problem.

thanks cu andreas

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