On Oct 22, 12:09 pm, Harry van der Wolf <hvdw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I had a reply from a user that he still encounters errors with the message
> "External program <program name> not found in the bundle, reverting to
> system path". This should no longer occur, but for him it does.
> Where <program name> is one or each of:
> icpfind
> autooptimiser
> celeste_standalone
> checkpto
> cpclean
> gnumake
> pano_modify
> Anyone else seeing the same error(s)?
> Harry

Hi Harry,

The new one works flawlessly for me, based on a sample size of one. I
did not delete the old copy of Hugin before installing the new one,
and missed the question about overwriting it (hidden behind several
windows). The new CP finder works great, too. Yippee.

Thank you for building it for us.


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