Hi mac users,

As a follow-up on the previous troublesome release, discussed in
thread a new release.

- The ones mentioned in my previous mail
- Lots of minor bugfixes which mostly had to do with linking new libs or
system libs/frameworks in both Hugin and PTBatcherGui or minor changes due
to a different setup as a result from the new makefilelib and internal
cpfind and icpfind.
- (Long time ago) Ippei had made a design where (license bound) CPdetectors
were installed/copied into a specific part of the bundle, e.g. Resources.
Later on he made the plugin design as we did no longer want to bundle
autopano-sift-c and panomatic in the bundle due to these license
restrictions. Now we have cpfind and already a bit longer align_image_stack.
They are patent free tools in the same order as cpclean, autooptimiser etc.
and therefore cpfind and align_image_stack belong at the same location as
the other hugin tools, so I changed this. The plugin structure for the
external CPdetectors is still the same.
- CPDetectors import/export: In the Preferences pane for CPdetectors when
you select "Load defaults" only hugins internal cpfind is added. You need to
add/configure the rest (autopanosift-c, panomatic, align_image_stack, etc)
as described on my website or via the new wiki page (2). When you have
configured a set, you can export this set to a text file. On another mac you
can then import this set in the same screen. This is another addition by
Thomas Modes.
- Stitcher screen: James Legg made a couple of changes to the layout of the
Stitcher screen. See for yourself.
- Lots of internal optimization, clean-up and restructuring inside the XCode
project which most users will never see off course (just to inform those who
are interested).

* Hugin.app: Tiger users should use the Tiger versions of enblend/enfuse as
can be found in the "enblend-enfuse-4.0"  folder in the hugin dmg.
(Snow)Leopard users can stick to the builtin enblend/enfuse version. These
builtin (Snow)Leopard versions are 32/64bit openMP builds.
New users or users switching from 2009.2 and below: If you want to use
autopano-sift-c and/or panomatic you should download and install the correct
versions: see (3).

* PTBatcherGui is not configurable and uses the internal enblend and enfuse
only, which are the same (Snow)Leopard openMP enabled builds as in the
Hugin.app which only work on (Snow)Leopard. As such this makes PTBatcherGui
incompatible with Tiger. I don't know a solution yet.

Due to the new CPdetectors Import/Export function you need to load the
defaults again in Preferences->CPDetectors.

As always: Information and binaries via my website
(The binaries themselves are served from hugin.panotools.org who kindly
provide the disk space and bandwidth).


(1): <
(2): <http://wiki.panotools.org/Control_Point_Detector_Parameters>
(3): Check <
for further info about autopano-sift-c and panomatic.

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