so, it would be an interesting thing to create  a template.pto before, and
include it in the ASIFT source code, and see what happens??

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 9:02 AM, Tom Sharpless <> wrote:

> Hi Bernd
> On Oct 31, 7:02 am, Bernd Hohmann <> wrote:
> > On 31.10.2010 03:14, Tom Sharpless wrote:
> >
> > Tom,
> >
> > > It is a fact that SIFT does not find as many matches as we would like
> > > in wide angle and especially fisheye images.  But that problem will
> > > not be solved by better matching of affine transformations, as it is
> > > due to image deformations, characteristic of those lenses, that are
> > > not affine transformations.
> >
> > As far as I can see, ASIFT is doing its job very well even with fisheye
> > images and without calibration data.
> >
> That is surprising to me.  As I understand the description of ASIFT
> (which is not very well) it assumes that the source images are in
> rectilinear projection.  I do agree with Morel and Yu's idea that
> simulating rotations of the direction of view should improve local
> similarity measured at true match points.  However the results of that
> rotation do depend on the lens projection function, so I would not
> expect such a good result when the wrong lens function is used.
> However, the results should speak for themselves.
> In panoramic image sets, the images are in fact related by pure
> rotations of the view direction (leaving aside parallax errors).
> Therefore, if lens distortion is corrected, the Morel/Yu procedure
> should generate locally almost identical images, when the chosen
> rotations happen to equal the true ones.  By using the approximate
> alignment angles from a "shooting template", it should be possible to
> limit the range of angles that needs to be searched; and of course
> also to limit the image areas that need to be searched.   This could
> lead to a rather fast alignment algorithm.
> Regards, Tom
> > Bernd
> >
> > --
> > Bernd Hohmann
> > Dipl. Organisationsprogrammierer
> > DV Sachverständiger & Gutachter
> > Höhenstrasse 2 * 61130 Nidderau
> > Telefon: 06187/900495 * Telefax: 06187/900493
> > Blog:
> --
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