so what is need for hugin to do this??i believe matlab and opencv are the
solution...they both have libraries that can do 3d reconstruction, opencv is
cpp based...

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 4:24 AM, kfj <> wrote:

> On 8 Nov., 02:24, paisajesenvenezuela <>
> wrote:
> > hey guys, i just found this website, it comes with a code based on
> > matlab on how to build a 3d model from 2d images, they evn included an
> > example on how to do it..
> > ...
> > this is enough to build another hugin version...and it would extend
> > its funcionality from basic image panoramic construction to a 3d
> > modeler..
> I have doubts about the wisdom of including something like this in
> hugin. I feel that good software design should aim at providing
> powerful tools for specific purposes that are open to cooperate with
> other tools by sharing code and data. Putting two functionalities as
> different as panorama imaging and 3D reconstruction into the same
> program unnecessarily ties the two functionalities together. It bloats
> the body of code, thereby increasing traffic and making maintanance
> more difficult (since the whole is more complex), and the likelyhood
> that anyone would actually want or need to do both 3D reconstruction
> and panorama creation with the same program is probably not that high,
> whereas the functionality would be visible to every hugin user and
> probably, at least initially, produce a fair amount of extra support
> load.
> I feel that flat-surface-remodelling (mosaic mode) is already
> stretching it a bit - after all, naively clicking on 'optimize all' in
> the optimizer tab will try and optimize X Z and Z even if the image is
> panoramic, almost certainly resulting in a complete screwup that can
> only be mended by undoing the 'optimization', but one might argue that
> the two are still sufficiently close to each other to put them into
> one piece of software. The bloating you can, for example, see in the
> optimizer tab, where X,Y and Z take up loads of screen estate
> displaying - mainly - zeroes, because mainly hugin is used for
> panorama creation where you actually want nothing but zeroes there. I
> think this is about where the limit is, but of course it's only my
> personal opinion.
> But since hugin is OS, if you feel that a significant portion of the
> functionality would lend itself to the 3D reconstruction purpose,
> there's nothing stopping you from taking the bits that fit and reshape
> it into a separate 3D modeling program. The resulting piece of
> software [code name hugout ;-) ] would likely be much smaller and
> easier to maintain in the beginning, since it's functionality wouldn't
> have the birth defect of having to share a body with its panoramic
> siamese twin, and if the two were separate, you could just take bits
> from hugin you like once they emerge.
> I think the 3D reconstruction prospect is exciting. I've looked around
> for free tools in the area - not very intensely, and, as of yet, to no
> avail. My interest would be more in the generation of DEMs from sets
> of landscape photographs from different perspectives, since the DEMs
> available for my favourite trecking area are rather sketchy, but I
> have plenty of imagery...
> with regards
> Kay
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