another one of those messages that was stuck in my inbox and nearly got read 
with the delete key...

On November 25, 2010 03:31:10 pm Jan Martin wrote:
> I am pretty sure this is the wrong way of communicating this.

If you are so sure, then why don't you do it the right way?  The best way to 
place your issues and make sure they are not forgotten (and maybe even 
followed up upon) is to file a report in the tracker [0].

> I noticed that in the Optimizer tab there are letters added to the
> descriptions:
> yprXYZ etc.
> But the letters are missing for most other tabs, like Exposure, Camera and
> Lens (Photometrics) etc. Can this please be added? it makes things easier.

I've added them, however only in the default branch.  Adding them to the 
release branch would change the strings and we're too late in the release 
process for this.

> Also on the Optimizer tab for vabcde there are no icons to tick/untick all
> at once.

Done too.  Also only in the default branch.  Needs testing / confirmation that 
it works as intended.

> I am on Kubuntu 10.4 and hugin Pre-Release 2010.3.0.0c30b3184a2f

Then tomorrow you can use a few minutes of your time to start a command line, 
type the following five commands to get a 2010.5 Pre-Release and test if the 
changes work as intended:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hugin/hugin-builds
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hugin/nightly
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install hugin enblend autopano-sift-c panini
sudo apt-get upgrade

Furthermore, may I suggest that you take ownership of a similar user interface 
issue and compile a list of missing keyboard equivalent [1]?


[0] <>
[1] <>

> Thanks,
> Jan
> On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 1:18 PM, Yuval Levy <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > six subjects related to the upcoming release cycle
> > 1. 2010.4beta1 tarball
> > 2. 2010.4beta1 binaries
> > 3. dedication
> > 4. translations
> > 5. general clean up
> > 6. plan
> > 
> > 
> > 1. 2010.4beta1 tarball
> > 
> > I've branched out 2010.4 last night and I will be releasing a first beta
> > tarball at the beginning of the weekend.
> > 
> > At the same time I am working on updating the wiki instructions (from
> > subversion to mercurial).
> > 
> > 
> > 2. 2010.4beta1 binaries
> > 
> > Let's try to get binaries released as soon as possible after the tarball.
> > 
> > For Ubuntu I will try to do it myself on the Hugin PPA.  I am currently
> > using
> > Lucid, and I have a Jaunty chroot environment.  I can't support Maverick
> > and
> > Natty at the moment, sorry.
> > 
> > Bruno / Terry, is anybody of you going to build/post a Fedora package?
> > 
> > Harry, do you mind if I ask you to build OSX binaries once the tarball is
> > posted?
> > 
> > Who is up to produce a Windows installer? Matthew?
> > 
> > Have I missed anything? oh, yes, the source distros.  Anybody from Gentoo
> > and
> > FreeBSD around?
> > 
> > Thank you, builders, for taking the lead on your platforms of choice and
> > make
> > Hugin easily available there.
> > 
> > 
> > 3. Dedication
> > 
> > This year the panorama community has prematurely lost a member.  Milko
> > Amorth
> > passed away unexpected this summer.  I  decided to dedicate 2010.4 to
> > him. I've coded a little gimmick in the about window (see attached
> > screenshots). Not committed yet. The obituary text is still work in
> > progress and contributed
> > texts are welcome.  An initial draft will be in beta1.
> > 
> > 
> > 4. Translations
> > 
> > Translators, now is a good time to go over the newly added string.  I've
> > updated the po files.  You can attach your updated po file to a ticket in
> > the
> > new tracker, or if you prefer you can post it as attachment here.  Thank
> > you
> > for your continued support in making Hugin widely available to people in
> > their
> > own language.
> > 
> > 
> > 5. general clean up
> > 
> > If you don't see your name in the author's list and have contributed to
> > Hugin,
> > please let me know and I'll fix that.
> > 
> > 
> > 6. plan
> > 
> > beta1 nov 27
> > beta2 dec 3
> > rc1 dec 17
> > rc2 dec 21
> > final dec 25
> > 
> > wish: official binaries for the main distributed platforms dec 31
> > 
> > have I missed anything?
> > 
> > You'll forgive me if I disappear for a little while.  I just had a little
> > surgery and the painkiller is wearing off faster than I wish.
> > 
> > Yuv

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