Haha! Yes! I couldn't understand why I didn't have some kind of built
in control point finder. very glad to have found this. Hope it works
well :)

On Jan 15, 4:36 pm, Dale Beams <drbe...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> fwiw, i'm getting thread destroyed while using cpfind as well.  More 
> interestingly, using the gui, and the image tab, "create control points' you 
> can see it's finding cp points and then when it's finished it quits, dumps 
> out a message 0 control points found.
> From: janmar...@diy-streetview.org
> Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2011 15:29:46 +0100
> Subject: Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: cpfind rocks!
> To: hugin-ptx@googlegroups.com
> This is what I get on Ubuntu 10.4.
> hugin -> Help -> About -> System:
> Operating System: Linux 2.6.32-27-generic i686
> Architecture: 32 bit
> Free memory: -1740888 kiB
> Hugin
> Version: 2010.5.0.8d6319da53fc
> Path to ressources: /usr/share/hugin/xrc/
> Path to data: /usr/share/hugin/data/
> Terminal:
> me@ubuntu:~$ dpkg -S bin/cpfind
> hugin-tools: /usr/bin/cpfind
> me@ubuntu:~$ cpfind
> ThreadQueue created
> Hugins cpfind 2010.5.0.8d6319da53fc
> based on Pan-o-matic by Anael Orlinski
> Parse error:  
>              One or more required arguments missing!
> Basic usage :
>   cpfind -o output_project project.pto
>   cpfind -k i0 -k i1 ... -k in project.pto
>   cpfind --kall project.pto
> All options :
> --celesteRadius <int>         Radius for celeste (default 20)
> --celesteThreshold <double>   Threshold for celeste (default 0.5)
> --celeste                     Run celeste after loading images
> -p <string>,  --keypath <string>
>                               Path to cache keyfiles
> --clean                       Clean up cached keyfiles
> -c,  --cache                  Caches keypoints to external file
> --kall                        Write keyfiles for all images
> -k <int>,  --writekeyfile <int>  (accepted multiple times)
>                               Write a keyfile for this image number
> -o <string>,  --output <string>
>                               Output file
> -n <int>,  --ncores <int>     Number of CPU/Cores    (default:autodetect)
> -t,  --test                   Enables test mode
> --fullscale                   Uses full scale image to detect keypoints    
> (default:false)
> --sieve1width <int>           Sieve 1 : Number of buckets on width    
> (default : 10)
> --sieve1height <int>          Sieve 1 : Number of buckets on height    
> (default : 10)
> --sieve1size <int>            Sieve 1 : Max points per bucket    (default : 
> 30)
> --kdtreesteps <int>           KDTree : search steps    (default : 40)
> --kdtreeseconddist <double>   KDTree : distance of 2nd match    (default : 
> 0.15)
> --multirow                    Enable heuristic multi row matching (default: 
> off)
> --linearmatch                 Enable linear images matching (default : all 
> pairs)
> --linearmatchlen <int>        Number of images to match in linear matching 
> (default:1)
> --minmatches <int>            Minimum matches    (default : 4)
> --ransaciter <int>            Ransac : iterations    (default : 1000)
> --ransacdist <int>            Ransac : homography estimation distance 
> threshold (pixels)
>                                   (default : 25)
> --sieve2width <int>           Sieve 2 : Number of buckets on width    
> (default : 5)
> --sieve2height <int>          Sieve 2 : Number of buckets on height    
> (default : 5)
> --sieve2size <int>            Sieve 2 : Max points per bucket    (default : 2)
> --,  --ignore_rest            Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments 
> following this flag.
> --version                     Displays version information and exits.
> -h,  --help                   Displays usage information and exits.
> <string>                      (required)  Input Project File
> ThreadQueue waiting on remaining threads...
> Reference thread created.
> 1 reference-thread added.
> pollUserThreads()
> pollReferenceThreads()
> Thread destroyed.
> 1 reference-thread reclaimed.
> ThreadQueue destroyed
> me@ubuntu:~$
> On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 3:19 PM, Andreas Metzler 
> <ametz...@downhill.at.eu.org> wrote:
> Russ <russ.moerl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I just updated this package on Ubuntu 10.10 and was a bit dismayed
> > when I couldn't really find cpfind easily.  It wasn't in the dropdown
> > selector for cp detector, and going into the preferences menu I was
> > lost in trying to figure out how to add it.  In reading Terry's
> > comment I removed the .hugin file from my home directory and things
> > are better now.
> [...]
> Doesn't Ubuntu install apt-listchanges by default? I would strongly
> recommend to install it and set it up to only show NEWS files.
> It would have shown this upon upgrading to hugin 2010.4.0:
> ------------------------------------------
> hugin (2010.4.0+dfsg~beta1-1) experimental; urgency=low
>   Starting with 2010.4.0 the hugin suite of program also includes a
>   (patent-free) control-point detector. autopano-sift(-c) et al are not
>   necessary/nice to have anymore.
>   If hugin does not offer cpfind as control-point detector after
>   ugrading to 2010.4.0, please open the respective configuration dialogue
>   (File->Preferences->Control-Point-Detectors) and use the [Load Defaults]
>   button to update the list.
> ------------------------------------------
> cu andreas
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "Hugin and other free panoramic software" group.
> A list of frequently asked questions is available 
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