Hi Pablo,

> > But I found an issue: I can not access the image variables of
> > SrcPanoImage like getImage(0).getYaw() and so on
> Thats probably because these functions are defined using some macros
> inside Panorama.h.

I assumed the same. But they are defined in SrcPanoImage.h/.cpp and
not in Panorama.h ;-)

In hsi.i there are some includes commented out.
I think at least ImageVariableGroup.h is also needed to access the
information about stacks and lenses. So this should also added.
But this is a task for someone with swig knowledge ;-)


PS: When compiling hsi, the following warnings come up:
>src/hugin_base\panodata\PanoramaVariable.h(71) : Warning 314: 'print' is a 
>python keyword, renaming to '_print'
>src/hugin_base\panodata\Panorama.h(58) : Warning 362: operator= ignored
>: Warning 325: Nested struct not currently supported (AssistantPrograms 
>src/hugin_base\algorithms\panorama_makefile\PanoramaMakefilelibExport.h(84) : 
>Warning 325: Nested struct not currently supported (PTPrograms ignored)
>src/hugin_base\algorithms\optimizer\PhotometricOptimizer.h(134) : Warning 401: 
>Base class 'SmartOptimizerStub' undefined.
>src/hugin_base\algorithms\optimizer\PTOptimizer.h(124) : Warning 401: 
>'SmartOptimizerStub' must be defined before it is used as a base class.
>src/hugin_base\panodata\Lens.h(126) : Warning 462: Unable to set dimensionless 
>array variable
>src/hugin_base\panodata\ControlPoint.h(111) : Warning 462: Unable to set 
>dimensionless array variable
Maybe this helps to improve the interface.

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