On 19 Jan., 09:21, kfj <_...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On 18 Jan., 20:35, "T. Modes" <thomas.mo...@gmx.de> wrote:
> > Hi Pablo,
> > > > But I found an issue: I can not access the image variables of
> > > > SrcPanoImage like getImage(0).getYaw() and so on

> I'll have a lok and see if I can figure out what's amiss.

In the header it states:

 * Used for lazy metaprogramming, we include image_variables.h several
 * with different defintions of image_variable to get all the
repetitive bits
 * out the way. This should reduce typos and cut and paste errors.

SWIG has two %include modes: one mode is to wrap the header at hand
and all it includes. This is usually unwise, because you don't want
every system header inside your module, which bloats it very much. You
can do that if your header is independent from system stuff. Also,
wrapping everything would usually throw up problems since the system
headers often use nonstandard extensions to C++.

The other SWIG mode is to just include the top level of the header at
hand. This is the mode I'm currently using. The 'lazy metaprogramming'
would work here only if the header was actually %included into SWIG
several times with the relevant #defines active. This may work, but is
it necessary? Until then, as posted previously, use the getVar()
method as a workaround.


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