Motivated by a ticket [0] on the tracker about numeric transform being 
'broken' by the introduction of the new dragging functionality, I looked 
deeper into the matter.  Turn out it was not broken, it was 'just' hidden 
outside of the viewport.

While I normally work in full screen mode and am not aware of these issues, I 
have taken the steps of resizing all windows to their minimum size and trying 
to access app functionality.  My conclusions:


We need decisions and consistency about the user interface layout.
Here is what I would suggest:
1. Decide a minimum screen size at which the application is functional.
2. Decide a consistent way of paging the information that can't be fit in such 
minimum screen size - can be vertical scrolling, can be sub-tabbing, can be 
anything else we have not seen or tried yet.
3. Document the above decisions and enact them as project policies.
4. Implement the above decisions consistently across windows and tabs.
Given the current hardware trends, I would suggest:
1. 800x480 minimum screen size
2. vertical scrolling within the tab (not so cool for mouse users, but look at 

Can we do this in the yet to be started 2011.0 release cycle, or do we have to 
ship another version of Hugin that becomes unaccessible at screen sizes below 


[0] <>

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