Gnome Nomad schrieb am 04.03.11 08:55:
Jeffrey Martin wrote:
On this note,

If I made a real attempt to redesign some elements of hugin, UI-wise i
mean, would anyone be interested in trying to implement it? (If anyone
agreed with the suggestions of course)

I think everyone can admit that Hugin looks like it was designed by
engineers. Because, I guess, it was! :-)

And in usability terms, it does a great job for taking users through the
steps needed to create a panorama.

This could be more or less correct for the more advanced users but I also think there is still some room for improvement.

I'd like to help improve it visually.

Hmm, I don't see anything broken about the UI. Eye candy for eye candy's
sake does not "improve" anything.

I don't think Jeffrey wants to achieve eye candy here. You haven't seen his self built pano head! ;-)

As an example why do important UI elements vanish if I switch the main window into fullscreen mode?

Or why don't we have a thumbnail in the camera&lens tab? So I have to go back to the images tab to identify one or more images. Since my selection in this tab is not remembered in the other tab I have to make notes of the respective image numbers so I can select them again.

In optimizer tab I can select or deselect a whole row only. Why can't I click/hold and drag the mouse to select consecutive image numbers? Or cmd-click non consecutive image numbers to select/deselect them? I'd also love to see the file name as tooltip when hovering over an image number.

Also in optimizer tab the rows for e.g. 'd' and 'e' could be exchanged with 'universal' rows so I don't need to manually tweak the script to optimize for something like 'g' or 't': this could be accomplished with a drop down list of available parameters instead of the row title.


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