On 18/03/11 06:03, kfj wrote:
> On 17 Mrz., 00:13, Guillermo Movia <guillermo.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I change tem folder to a non standard one. I don't know if this could be
>> the problem
> Look into the pto file with a text editor and make sure that the image
> files given in the pto are accessible by the paths used in the pto
> file. The filename is the last entry in the i-line. It looks like
> DSC_9049.JPG etc. are looked for in the folder /tmp/Mexico/JPG - so
> you should also check if the images are really there or somehwere
> else.
> Kay

Thanks for your reply. All photos are at /mnt/datos/Mexico/JPG folder,
where pto file is too. temp/working folder is set to /mnt/datos and in
the pto file, images are referenced like Mexico/JPG/DSCXXXX

So, for some reason, still use /tmp/ n some way and I couldn't change
it. I will try to return to default values and start again.

Guillermo Movia

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