On 23 Mrz., 11:49, David Haberthür <david.haberth...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Kay

> Sorry, I have not read this far in the thread before my reply. Sounds
> like a great and interesting summer :) We'll see if a student
> nonetheless wants to pick up your pieces (or more like grab the thing
> afloat :)

Grab the thing afloat is hopefully more like it. When I'm online, I'll
gladly help, but I won't be available continuously, so I feel I
wouldn't make a good mentor.

> Just out of personal curiosity, what GIS are you working on/for (I've
> got a friend in the GIS-"scene").

I'm using Quantum GIS (QGIS) - and GRASS. I'm only using it for my
personal pleasure so far. I haven't done so much along these lines
yet, and it's a huge topic to get one's head round. It all started out
when I had collected a good amount of maps for my favourite trekking
area (the Val Grande National Park in Piemonte, Italy) - historic,
recent and satellite imagery, and wondered how I could compare them.
So I needed a tool to get them to a common projection and georeference
them. Next I got a GPS and started putting my own tracks in, then I
got into DEMs and making my own maps. I want to work on the GPS data
and play with them with a bit of statistics to reconstruct some of the
derelict trail system in the area. This is difficult, because the area
is very rugged and often the GPS signal is feeble. Ulimately I want to
upload the data to OSM.

The funny thing is that it's not that different from panography - you
deal with a spherical surface and it's projections into the plane.
Only that those geographers have it down to a tee - to them, of
course. it's not a spherical surface but something much more complex
(looks like an exotic fruit if you exaggerate the elevations). It even
made me think if we couldn't use some of the GIS code (they're using
Python a lot as glue code, shouldn't be too hard) - they've also got
very nice and precise transformations, interpolations and projections,
and good tools to visualize huge muti-layered tiled images with vector
data thrown on top... - all FOSS. Makes me envious at times when for
panoramas all I can do is run FSPViewer under wine in a window 1/2 the
size of my screen because openGLView won't even run on my machine...


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