I should probably start a new thread for this, but whatever...
Hugin HDR panorama output (2010.4.0) is broken. Whether outputting the
final output as EXR or TIFF, the intermediate stacks are in the EXR
format. For example, ProjectName_stack_hdr_[[:digit:]]{4}.exr. These
intermediate stacks are broken. They are unable to be recognized or
opened by geeqie, gthumb, gimp. Cinepaint will open these files but
display an empty panorama-sized canvas. The reference viewer
exrdisplay displays a dithered mess of red/cyan/yellow/magenta pixels
against a white brackground. Convert from imagemagick and exrtopng
from exrtools both segfault while attempting to convert these files to
a more common format. exrtopng claims to have finished the conversion
before segfaulting, however the resulting png is nothing but a
pure-white stack-sized image curved from barrel distortion against a
transparent rectangular background.

Enblend, whether writing the final output as EXR or TIFF, will
continue writing forever. When TIFF, outputs a base 600MB image within
the first minute, then adds 100MB ever hour nonstop... 1.6GB to go and
no end in site - the fused version is 800MB. When EXR, outputs a base
2.2MB image within the first image, then adds 500K per hour.

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