> Important: Horizontal, vertical, and straight lines are evaluated on their
> output projection.

Hm, so that's why my mercator projection + straight line @ ~25° was
throwing off the alignment...

so this means that:
equirectangular: vertical lines only, plus horizon line
Does this also apply to cylindrical, mercator, miller, architectural ?
(i'm using mercator)

That explains the GSoC idea of moving "line" control points to the
preview windows.

> Yes, it is useful. If you want to level your panorama using the horizon it is 
> best to have horizontal CPs approximately 45° apart.

Only problem I see with horizon control lines, is that unlike straight
lines they only specify two points. Horizontal CPs are more effective
further apart, however all the intermediate images are not
straightened: they can be wavy/squiggly.

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