On May 22, 2011 01:43:01 PM kfj wrote:
> On 22 Mai, 16:10, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:
> > that's theory.  What I observe in practice are curled rows that taint the
> > rest of the strategy after the rows have been identified and optimized
> > first time.
> maybe the curled stripes react well to the horizon straightening
> routine. Just an idea.

the problem is that at this point it's already too late and I am in manual 
mode.  So I might as well select manually the image pairs and run cpfind each 
time on them.  If there was a button to trigger cpfind on the cp tab, this 
would be an easy way to waste some time clicking away...

... but I can also try to script this in python, can I?

> I do a 360x180 with a fisheye as a backdrop and then 'pin' the longer-
> lens shots to it.

I did not have the luxury.  There was no fisheye anywhere near me.  But yes, 
in ideal circumstances, that's the smart thing to do.

> I must admit that I hadn't looked into the cpfind documentation fore a
> while, and that the text that is now in the wiki is actually good and
> helpful. I often simply call the program in question, or call man with
> it, and what you get this way is pretty thin. Sorry for being sloppy.

I skimmed over the wiki page and it looks suspiciously similar to the man 

> I would dearly like to understand more of how cpfind is doing what it
> does. I made several attempts to look into the code but I find it hard
> to penetrate.

Yes, I found the code hard to navigate too.  When I submitted my patch this 
morning, I just peeled away at it onion layer after onion layer starting from 
the CLI switches and did not get much far - just enough for a small hack.

The frustrating thing with this is that if I focus hard and apply myself, I 
might get to understand it and do some things with it in a few hours.  But two 
weeks down the road this knowledge is already forgotten and I am back to 
square zero trying to understand things that I understood weeks earlier but 
that have gone out of my mind in the meantime.

> hsi/hpi is just a first step in the right direction. The helper
> programs (CPGs, warping, blending) can all be made into modules with a
> bit of SWIG magic

we need a list of functionalities already available; a todo-list of 
functionality to expose next; a how-to for doing it.

> > Good news for Ubuntu users:  I updated the wiki instructions and now
> > everybody with Lucid (10.04) and later can access python scripting; and
> > Philipp updated the nightlies build process so that now the python
> > scripting interface is available to those brave enough to type the
> > following commands in the CLI:
> > 
> >   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hugin/hugin-builds
> >   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hugin/nightly
> >   sudo apt-get update
> >   sudo apt-get install hugin
> this sounds exciting! Does it mean that the hugin you get from the
> PPAs is now per default an hsi/hpi-enabled version?

Short answer: YES.

Long answer:  there are two sets of binaries in the PPA: "nightlies" and 
"builds".  At this very moment the unconditional YES applies to the nightlies 
only.  Hugin-builds is for builds from tarball and the YES will apply to 
hugin-builds shortly after the release of 2011.2.0_beta1.  Users not fearing 
the bleeding edge use the nightlies and have full access now.

Conclusion: we want to move fast on releasing 2011.2.0.


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