V Tue, 17 May 2011 02:53:13 -0700 (PDT)
kfj <_...@yahoo.com> napsáno:

> > I think it is showing the outside of the panosphere, and I guess it
> > is because that's the "natural" way to look at a sphere (e.g.
> > Earth).  I don't know if it is worth to consider this a bug, or
> > rather a feature request for an extra
> the> switch to turn the sphere inside-out?
> I feel it's totally unnatural - in 'real' life you only ever see the
> panosphere from the inside, as it's a hypothetical construct anyway.
> After all, the flat preview also shows the view from the 'inside', and
> with a plane either side would be just as 'natural', but noone would
> even consider showing it's 'ouside'. No naive user will understand,
> either, why their nicely centered 'correct' preview shold result in
> what looks like a mirror image in the panosphere view, and they have
> to pan their flat preview by 180 degrees to see the 'right way round'
> view on the panosphere.
> Kay

Anybody filed it as a bug/feature request? (I have not found anything
on launchpad.)

The flipped left / right sides are really confusing.


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