The sphere interface seems perfectly normal to me. I think it would also be natural to those not thinking so if they would just spin the sphere around so that the view point is from inside the sphere. This is easily demonstrated with 180 degree or less panos. Maybe what bothers some is that the "inside" is dimmer than the "outside". The enhancement that might satisfy is to have the outside dimmed and the inside bright while at the same time having a static cutting plane that prevents the near side images from displaying in front of the inside images. The effect would be that of looking into a sphere through a removed section. As one rotates the sphere the cut away portion would not move. I can easily imagine the person who devised the sphere interface as thinking of many variations of what we see now, including what is just described, and then deciding, "Heck, lets just put the images bright on the outside where they are most easily displayed and in reverse because that is the way they really are." This whole Hugin thing is such an abstraction that one little mental gymnastic is nothing compared to the utility gained by the sphere display. I use Hugin for the mundane purpose of documenting piping systems in spaces like utility rooms in buildings or documenting structural framing. There are those that have difficulty with the resulting images because, "the pipes do not really curve like that", or "the beams cannot be curved like that". There is a faint similarity between the objection types.


On May 27, 2011, at 2:53 PM, kfj wrote:

On 27 Mai, 21:39, Milan Knížek <> wrote:

Anybody filed it as a bug/feature request? (I have not found anything
on launchpad.)

The flipped left / right sides are really confusing.

I haven't. Please go ahead and do it. I'm not convinced by Yuval's
lone voice earlier in this thread telling me that looking at the
outside of the panosphere was natural.


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