
I use hugin 2010.4.0.854952d82c8f. I load 31 images into project and
make control points. The yaw angles of all images approximately cover
whole range from -180 to 180 degrees, on the "images" tab.
But only 180 degrees of panorama are shown in the window of hardware-
accelerated preview. I can pan it left or right, and look around 360
degrees in such a way. But all the time there are only 180 degrees of
panorama. If I increase horizontal field of view up to 360 deg, I get
a wide picture with black area that covers half an image. So, once
again, only 180 degrees of panorama is present.
Does anybody know, what seems to be wrong? Is it the problem with
libpano13? (I have version 2.9.14)

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