
Additional minor comments:

I would change "usage of Hugin" to "Hugin usage" in both instances.

It is "optimizer" not "optimiser". I know the tab had it this way for quite some time. I confess that I would say the word with an exaggerated Hollywood german accent when seeing the tab "Optimiser".

Do we capitalize Hugin or not? Hugin is in lower case in the first sentence of "About the Control ...". I recall not understanding what Hugin is at one point in time. I would be confused by references not in the same case.

Perhaps this for About the Control Point Detectors:

"To be able to align and stitch seamless panoramas, Hugin needs to know the corresponding locations (control points) between each overlapping pair of images. Hugin allows you to define Control Points manually and/or automatically with helper programs called Control Point Detectors. Hugin comes bundled with it's own Control Point Detector named CPFind. CPFind was developed to provide a superior patent restriction free alternative to the helper Control Point Detectors Autopano-sift-C and Panomatic that at one time where the only available Control Point Detectors. In Hugin's preference settings you indicate to Hugin where the helper programs reside in addition to what settings Hugin should use. Due to patent restrictions Autopano-sift-C and Panomatic cannot be included within the Hugin program bundle. Hugin includes Autopano-sift-C and Panomatic preference entries for your connivence. These other Control Point Detectors are available as separate install packages which you would install yourself and then complete the corresponding preference entry.

Due to the same patent restriction it is not allowed to use Autopano- sift-C on commercial basis in the USA. All users who do use it on private, educational or any other non-commercial basis are free to use it."


On May 31, 2011, at 12:10 PM, Harry van der Wolf wrote:

Hi OSX users and those who are also interested,

I'm building the new 2011 bundle. I need to update the readme which is located at the top level inside the dmg.

Please check for readability and/or errors.
The document is attached in ODF format (from Libre Office) and in PDF format.


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