On July 26, 2011 05:22:42 PM Carl von Einem wrote:
> I didn't see this issue so far on both of my Macs: the oldish one is a
> dual processor PowerPC (2x 2.3 GHz, 6.5 GB RAM), the newer one is a dual
> "hexacore" Intel Mac with about 24 or 26 GB of RAM.

thanks for reporting.  what version of OS X are you running?  if you have 
acces to OS X Lion, we need some data points there.

> I haven't noticed this bug is mentioned by Mac users at all, or did I
> miss some messages?

No Mac users in this bug, but https://bugs.launchpad.net/hugin/+bug/814301 (OS 
X Lion) may be related.

The current hypothesis is that this is a threading issue, and a different 
threading library means a potentially different behavior / effect.  So we have 
to watch for different CPUs (i.e. number of cores / threads) different O/S 
Versions (i.e. how those threads are managed) and different threading 
libraries used (i.e. those present in the system which can be very different 
across same systems; and/or those present in the SDK used to build the 


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