On July 27, 2011 05:59:38 pm Carl von Einem wrote:
> How about exchanging the panorama (the one in the header) in the
> /releases section with  with the panorama that is specially featured?

the formats and purposes are completely different and I would not want to add 
restrictions on the featured splash screen artwork.

Banner panorama:  Purpose: embellish the website.  Requirements won't change 
much over time. 165px tall, must somewhat repeat seamlessly (although this 
seems to have been relaxed in some contributions).

Splash screen artwork:  Purpose: promote the artwork created with Hugin.  
Requirements somewhat flexible over time as the universe of what can be done 
with Hugin is expanding.  Currently (first crop of submission) requested ratio 
of approximately 1:3 to fit inside Hugin's logo; displayed on the release 
notes page at 256px tall.

I would rather relax the requirements for the splash screen artwork - there 
will still be some sort of crop to the given format of the logo, but the 
artwork itself can expand beyond that and especially on the website I would 
like to see it stand out, break out of the existing frame the same way that 
Hugin help its user break free of the sensor or film frame.  The frame stands 
for the limitations that Hugin overcomes.


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