On 28 Jul., 20:48, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:
> On July 28, 2011 08:18:54 AM kfj wrote:

> > The looming five or twenty or 65 man years question musn't keep us
> > from asking:
> > ...

> Very good questions.  And very good argument for a clean rewrite, with a
> clearly defined goal of recreating the existing application in a simpler and
> well documented code.  I am with you.
> The question is *how*?
> - how to plan?
> - how to structure?
> - how to execute?

You've identified the core problems.

In doftware design, it's often a single individual ore a small group
of people who succeed in implementing a coherent, manageable, elegant
novel design (Linux, Python). If the software is larger, it is often
successful because there is yet again a single individual (BDFL) or a
core group who steer matters. So first of all we have to find who this
is for hugin and win them for the cause. Who is it? Will our guru
please step forward?

We have a problem here: hugin started out as yet another GUI for
panotools. Panotools may be very efficient and clever software, but
AFAIK it was never documented properly, abandoned by it's original
creator and now there are bits of it we use in very central parts of
the software, but the knowledge what it does how and why is in the
heads of a few core developers and not generally available. So this
part of the code was encapsulated in an object layer, but yet again
the functionality of that object layer hasn't been well-documented,
and again we have a few developers who are familiar with it, but
newcomers hit the 'read-the-code' barrier. Panotools turns out not to
be merely a library doing pano maths, but also a selection of
standalone programs doing stuff. Because their original creator never
released the code, replacements were written. They ended up doing
similar things to their templates but most of them still weren't well-
documented. Pto format is in the very center of our project with a
bunch of fervent defenders, but do you know of a proper, complete

The panotools GUI approach has precipitated the current structure of
hugin: An attempt at a modern GUI with lots of clever ideas callling
console helper programs as separate processes sharing data with them
via files on a magnetic drive. Internally it's keeping it's data in C+
+ objects and stuff like linked lists and arrays, using integral
indexes for identification. From what I've seen (which is little) I
feel the approach at data handling is erratic. It scales badly. Why is
it that when you have a few tens of thousands of control points, the
GUI at times takes seconds to respond to mouse clicks which have
nothing to do with CPs? Maybe the undo/redo mechanism copies the
complete state, even though the only thing changed was some pokey

My criticism is mainly with the back end, as I've looked at it a bit,
wrapping it for hsi. So this is where I'd see the greatest need for

- reliable data storage and transaction control in a database
- a clean, unconvoluted presentation of these data to the program
- independence from libpano and panotools
- pulling the helper processes into the main process to facilitate
data exchange
- putting a clean API layer on top of the back end

going further, I'd like to see

- putting the logic into python where it's much easier to maintain
- let the GUI use wxPython for the same reason

> We need to rally consensus around a plan/design.
> * can we agree on a vision: the same Hugin, The only changes are under the
> hood.  No UI redesign or other features, they can all be postponed to future
> iterations.


> * can somebody take the role of architect and come up with a *code* design,
> and can we rally around it, abstracting from the UI?
> * can the architect publish a set of APIs that we can all agree to?
> * can we split the existing code base into smaller chunks, so that all
> available contributors can execute on them in parallel?
> Now is IMHO a good time.  Most of the features that were waiting to be
> integrated into Hugin have found their way into the codebase.  The 2011.2
> release process has hit a limit.  I am in favor of dropping 2011.2 or calling
> it final, and moving on to plan, structure, and execute a refactoring, so that
> 2012.0 will be a refactoring release based on the features currently in
> default.  Nothing more.  Maybe something less (there are a lot of redundant
> tools, and I am tempted to follow Thomas' lead and remove obsolete/redundant
> stuff [1] [2] [3].

Hang on! Is this wise? We cant't just assume we'll certainly succeed
and happily go skipping towards the precipice. I proposed a project
codenamed 'munin'. I see it as developing separately from hugin, like
as if we were trying to clone hugin from scratch, but with an
awareness of the tools available in 201X and not in 199X. Leave hugin
to carry on! If it does what it's supoosed to do it does it well.
Kindly ask hugin developers to make an attempt at documentation,
modularization, portability, clarity - and if their code qualifies, it
may eventually be absorbed by the munin project. Nothing would be more
detrimental to the infant clone than having to forcedly mature to
become hugin 2012.0 - with a hesitant developer crew and meagre
resources. I'm sure it'd fail. I'd want it to grow slowly and by being
fed carefully selected, well-chosen components to eventually emerge as
the platform of choice to do panorama stuff in, so that people happily
join in when they see how good it is. Hugin itself shouldn't be
replaced by decree but eventually fall into dignified disuse because
there's something better people prefer to it.

In software, we've seen how rarely (if ever) a revamped version of
some program becomes the new shooting star - it's something else doing
something similar, but better, quicker, easier, in new ways (think of
browsers or social networks). I'd like to finally see a mature munin
to look back and say: 'I owe a lot to the hugin project and a fair
amount of my code originates there'.


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