Hi all,

After all the discussions about building a Gui in python, I decided for
myself to simply try it and use PySide (1) as graphical part.
I knew absolutely nothing of python and neither of pyside but I felt an
itch, so I scratched.

PySide is QT based and I knew a little of QT due to my own KImageFuser (2).
Next to that I worked a little in the QT designer as (former) OSX maintainer
of avidemux (3) for the Qt version (my nickname is surfer, something I did
intensely many years ago).
So my basic knowledge of QT is the reason I have chosen for pyside instead
op wxpython.

I made a super simple Assistant in python/pyside. "super simple"  referring
to my work (really a work in progress), not to the user friendliness.
Some screen prints can be found on my website (4).

What did I build:
- Assistant tab, Load images button:
-- loading images
-- writing a basis pto
-- run cpfind (with celeste when checked on the preferences tab)
-- run cpclean (when checked on the preferences tab)
-- run autooptimiser (with photometric optimization checked on the
preferences tab)
- Assistant tab, create panorama button
-- run nona (doesn't work on windows, don't know why but I assume something
with forward/backward slashes)
-- run enblend (doesn't work on windows as nona doesn't create intermediate
tiffs, when copying same tiffs in workdir it works).
- Images tab loads images and displays them correctly (was easy to copy from
my KImagefuser, but you need pyside>=1.0.5)

What works:
- Assistant on Linux and Mac OS X. second step: create panorama (nona and
enblend) doesn't work on windows
- Load images tab, but not yet the image display and image info button
- Preferences tab with sub tabs: works, but I wanted to store the settings
in a SQLite db. Creating and inserting works, retrieving not.

- progress bar and progress text is clumsy as I lack events programming

What doesn't work:
- Menu on MacOSX (known bug: that's why I built the preferences as a tab
instead of a menu)
- Strong in sqlite db.
- nona on windows.

What do you need:
Linux (in my case Ubuntu):
- install hugin (launchpad for example), python, pyside and Qt4

- download python (www.python.org), pyside (1) and Qt4 (5), the libraries
not the SDK.

Mac OSX:
- If you have macports: install python, pyside for your version and qt4-mac
(takes looong)
- Otherwise: download python (www.python.org), pyside (1) and Qt4 (5), the
libraries not the SDK.

Being completely blank w.r.t. python/psyide, it took me about 12 hours or so
to build this really basic thing and now I'm done for a while.
If you want to try it, simply unpack the attached tgz.
If you want to improve it, please do so.
note: when moving between windows and unix, always take care to do a
dos2unix step from windows to unix otherwise your scripts don't work

I hesitated to create a folder in the trunk as I didn't want to create an
experimental branch for only 20KB of files.
For the time being I left it out as the community might decide to move into
a completely different direction.


(1): <http://www.pyside.org/>
(2): <
(3): <http://avidemux.berlios.de/index.html>
(4): <http://panorama.dyndns.org/pyhugin/>
(5): <http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/>

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Attachment: pyHugin-0.0.1.tgz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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