Hi OSX users,

Another OSX bundle. The previous one (1) was not correct. I'm experimenting
with python, but not bundled yet, and had forgotten to take that out.
- Many fixes by Thomas
- New linefind vertical CP detector by Thomas

The vertical CP detector is available but not directly listed in Hugin's CP
detectors. Goto Preferences -> ControlPoint detectors.
You have two options:
- Load defaults and it will be listed. In this case you will loose all your
customised or extra CP detector settings you made.
- Add a new single step CP detector manually
-- Program: linefind     (Do not add a path, simply linefind)
-- Parameters: -o %o %s

Simply run a "normal" cpfind detection followed by second run with a
linefind detection (or the other way round).

In the Assistant the linefind option is by default enabled.

Tiger and Lion users: Use the Tiger enblend from the enblend-enfuse-4.0
folder inside the .dmg.

Information and binaries via my website
(The binaries themselves are served from hugin.panotools.org who kindly
provide the disk space and bandwidth).


(1): <

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