I tried again with 8-bit TIFF files and got all the same error

I googled the error message and found that in other contexts it is
described as
" an exception thrown by the libTIFF [when] it does not like the
layout of your IPTC profile."

So then I tried it with a set of JPEGS and the error messages did not
appear but the control point search still ends in:
    "Failed to execute ...cpfind".

I tried all the top images from the exposure-stacks and I tried the
whole of a stack the result was the same in each case.


On Sep 22, 1:17 pm, grow <george...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Harry,
> I have installed this RC5 bundle (on my Quad-Core Intel Xeon Mac Pro
> running Mac OSX 10.6.8)
> On my first test project I loaded 27 16-bit TIFF files (9 stacks of 3
> bracketed images) and set their Yaw etc ... .
> When I launch CPFind on the images at the top of each stack I get the
> following error message for each image (I have shortened the path):
> TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, /.../Select/_MG_4235.tiff: wrong data type
> 7 for "RichTIFFIPTC"; tag ignored.
> After a short delay this is followed up by another error saying
> "Failed to execute ...cpfind"  (The real message gives the full path
> to cpfind and lists the arguments.)
> Is the problem that I am using 16-bit TIFFs?
> I will give it a try later on with 8-bit TIFFs and let you know what
> happens.
> Any other suggestions that would get me past this stage would be very
> welcome.
> all the best
> George
> On Sep 21, 3:02 pm, Harry van der Wolf <hvdw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi OSX users,
> > I built an 2011.2.0-RC5 bundle.
> > *Please test!*
> > Note: Lion users should use the Tiger enblend version included in the dmg.
> > If you find real bugs please report them in the Launchpad bug tracker.
> > Information and binaries via my website
> > <http://panorama.dyndns.org/index.php?lang=en&subject=Hugin&texttag=Hugin>.
> > (The binaries themselves are served from hugin.panotools.org who kindly
> > provide the disk space and bandwidth).
> > Hoi,
> > Harry

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