Thanks for that suggestion.

I opened the recent project in Hugin selected the top images from each
of the exposure stacks and invoked CPfind.  It crashed in the same way
as before.  I tried your suggestion with "Tail".  The text below is
the result:
I am assuming that the relevant lines start at the 01:23:29 timestamp
and include the ones before that just to show that I haven't missed
anything out.

 Sep 24 01:08:14 georges-macpro WebProcess[25993]: INSERT-HANG-
DETECTED: Tx time:5.147878, # of Inserts: 80, # of bytes written:
3129745, Did shrink: NO
Sep 24 01:15:24 georges-macpro login[27637]: USER_PROCESS: 27637
Sep 24 01:15:32 georges-macpro

Sep 24 01:23:29 georges-macpro mDNSResponder[20]: ERROR:
mDNSPlatformReadTCP - SSLRead: -9806
Sep 24 01:23:29 georges-macpro mDNSResponder[20]: ERROR: tcpCallback -
attempt to read message length failed (-1)
Sep 24 01:23:58 georges-macpro ReportCrash[27672]: Saved crash report
for cpfind[27667] version ??? (???) to /Users/grow/Library/Logs/

I have retrieved the file Diagnostic Report and I will email it
directly to you separately ...

all the best

On Sep 23, 8:04 pm, Harry van der Wolf <hvdw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi George,
> 2011/9/23 grow <george...@gmail.com>
> > PS - I changed the one thing that the various systems would allow and
> > too the © copyright symbol out of the EXIF data .... nevertheless when
> > I imported them an ran CPFind ... the same error messages occurred.
> > George
> I got a response from a user that suggested your Hugin couldn't find cpfind
> in some or another way. So I tested by removing cpfind from the bundle but
> in that case I don't get a warning at all when run from the assistant and
> the progress window closes immedatiely, and I get a "Can't find cpfind via
> the path" when run manually from the Images pane.
> So also your Hugin can find cpfind and runs it. It doesn't finish correctly
> though.
> After the cpfind crash, could you do from a terminal a "tail -30
> /var/log/system.log". The -30 tells tail to only show the last 30 lines. I
> assume that gives enough info, but if there's more a "tail -50" or "tail
> -100" (etcetera) will do the job as well.
> You could also do from a terminal a "open
> /Applications/Utilities/Console.app /var/log/system.log". This will start
> the logging application which will scroll to the bottom and gives you nice
> copy&paste options.
> I hope cpfind will write it's errors to the system log.
> Harry

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