What do I use to view/display/convert my images etc.? I imagine this
is pretty basic. Perhaps I don't know the proper term for what I need?
As a Mac user, I'm interested in HTML/CSS/java, QTVR, or the like. Not
really interested in Flash.

I mostly do partial cylindrical panoramas so I'm usually content to
view them as images or print them out. But I'm now interested in going
spherical, sharing online, etc. After using the incredible Hugin free
software to do (what I assume is) the heavy lifting, I'm surprised to
see (so far) that the software to enable viewing images seems rather
expensive. I don't mind paying for good software, but it seems like
viewing and sharing the finished panorama should be more like the
parsley sprig garnish and less liken the main course. Am I wrong? Did
I miss something? (very likely.)

What do you Mac users out there use?

Thanks for any advice ,links, info.


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