At the risk of sounding like a moron (as I usually do) I'll respond.
I've only recently experimented with this myself. But my initial
thought is, "Do you want a mosaic or a pano?"
Actually, it really sounds like you might want a linear pano rather
than a mosaic. Or possibly a series of partial panos joined into a
linear pano?

I have to admit, I'm not sure of the correct use and meaning of terms
(or even if there is a hard and set definition for them.) But when
someone says "pano" I think multiple images of a 3D subject taken from
one viewpoint to facilitate smooth joining of the images to create a
single immersive image of some kind (often creating a equirectangular
or closely related finished image. When someone says "mosaic" I think
of multiple pictures taken of a single 2D planar subject which can be
taken from many viewpoints to facilitate stitching them into a single
usually rectilinear image. When you want to take a picture of many
subjects along a street it's a bit of a 'tweener in that there are
multiple 3D subjects distributed along a linear path. I would call
this a linear panorama. I don't know if that's a good or descriptive
name, but it seems to straddle the other two with an aim that is more
informally documentary and in some ways less perfectionistic in
technique. Another approach (which you also touch on) is a linear
series of conventional panoramas (like Google StreetView.) But you
imply that you want to make partial panoramas and stitch them
together into one large, long image like a linear panorama.
So maybe you haven't decided for sure what your final product should
be? What is your aim?

On Nov 15, 7:56 pm, Syv Ritch <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to photograph a whole street. I was thinking of doing a mosaic.
> Any suggestion for taking the photos?
> I was planning of doing a whole bunch of small panos, just 2 images. I
> have an NN, then move to the next 3 houses... Any better way?
> Thanks

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