On 21/11/11 14:14, mark skama wrote:
> who wanna build a new software for normal lenses?
> hugin is good program is open source and i love it but has a lot of
> errors during the creation of the panorama
> i think with a new approch and new focus only for the normal lenses it
> possibile create a good automatic panorama program; i find some common
> error with stitching softwares so if we start to build an intelligent
> software its possible find the solution for all panorama
> the program most be freeware but source closed
> write in c++ and wxwidgets
> the budget start from 100 €
Hi Mark

obviously, you're free to create a fork from the hugin sources (it's
free software, that's the idea!), however AFAICS the usual reasons to
fork don't really apply for hugin; it's maintained, it's openly
developed and regularly new features are added and bugs are fixed.

If you want to make a specific panorama tool with a completely different
UI, I think there were already some attempts which you may find in the
archives of this list.

If you have a problem which is specific (I don't know what you mean by
normal lenses, but it seems rather within the scope of hugin), you could
try to report a bug or feature request. And, if you're willing and able
to fork, perhaps you can try fixing the problem yourself, within hugin.

(Forking a complete project is a big thing, perhaps it will take too
much of your time to fix a specific issue?)



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