On Mon, 21 Nov 2011 22:59:46 +0000, Bruno Postle wrote:
> On Mon 21-Nov-2011 at 13:56 -0800, JohnPW wrote:
>>Please clarify this for me as I want to make sure I understand (and it
>>may be helpful to other newer Panorama makers like myself.)
>>These are my assumptions:
>>1.) Only the actual horizon should be assigned as a "horizontal
>>line" (unless you just want some line, or the average of some lines,
>>to be straight and at the horizontal center (equator) of the panorama)
>>because the horizon line is the only latitudinal line that lies upon a
>>great circle line (the equator.)
> Yes, for spherical panoramas.  Horizontal lines can also be useful for 
> removing perspective from façades of buildings, but only when you are using 
> rectilinear projection for the output.

What about equirectangular or cylindrical (or Mercator)?

Robert Krawitz                                     <r...@alum.mit.edu>

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