Bruno, It cannot possibly be the case that I'm right and you're
wrong. You know much more about this than I do. So please tell
me where my understanding is wrong. 

On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 10:59:46PM +0000, Bruno Postle wrote:
> On Mon 21-Nov-2011 at 13:56 -0800, JohnPW wrote:
> >Please clarify this for me as I want to make sure I understand (and it
> >may be helpful to other newer Panorama makers like myself.)
> >These are my assumptions:
> >1.) Only the actual horizon should be assigned as a "horizontal
> >line" (unless you just want some line, or the average of some lines,
> >to be straight and at the horizontal center (equator) of the panorama)
> >because the horizon line is the only latitudinal line that lies upon a
> >great circle line (the equator.)
> Yes, for spherical panoramas.  Horizontal lines can also be useful 
> for removing perspective from façades of buildings, but only when 
> you are using rectilinear projection for the output.

In that case, they should be called horizon-lines instead of horizontal

I thought that horizontal and vertical control points matter to
the optimization step. 

Normally, I thought the control points are all transformed into 
the spherical coordinates, and for each pair both the longitude and
lattitude are compared. In fact the distance is calculated and optimized. 

I thought that for a horizontal controlpoint pair, the lattitude
simply doesn't count. So all that the optimization step cares about 
is the that they line up horizontally. 

Similarly for the vertical control lines. There the horizontal position, 
or longitude is not taken into account. 

I thought that all this was independent of the projection
being used for the final result. 


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