So I'm trying to create several panoramas that are 3 pictures each
from a .bat file. I've so far found very little tutorials, besides the
one that is on the PanoTools Wiki page. I have Hugin, and I have
downloaded autopano-sift-2.3. I created a .bat file from the wiki
page, but the file isn't being made (or if it is, I don't know where
it is saving it) Here is everything that is in the file:

autopano-sift --projection 0,50 test.pto folder1/pic.JPG folder2/
pic.JPG folder3/pic.JPG
celeste_standalone -i test.pto -o test.pto
autooptimiser -a -l -s -m -o test.pto test.pto
enblend -o test.jpg test0000.jpg test0001.jpg test0002.jpg ...

I have all of the files from the bin folder from Hugin, along with
this batch file and the folders that contain the photos, all in one
folder (but Autopano-sift has its own folder that has tons of files in
it). Why doesn't this work? Any help wold be great.

Also, is there a way to do batch cropping? I want to crop all of my
photos to the same size so you don't see any black.


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