What about using XMP instead of EXIF? I guess XMP is more open to
user-defined data.

2011/12/6, Jeffrey Martin <360cit...@gmail.com>:
> I was thinking more about this, and whether an external logger with sync
> (like you do with gps) would be possible
> and the answer is definitely NO - GPS is very course, and in practical
> purposes, you can have the sync off by a few seconds and the photos will
> still have correct location data. not the case with the position of the
> camera in space. and there is no way you can synchronize a non-tethered
> device within 1/100 of a second or whatever it takes to correctly
> synchronize such data.
> so a device like this will have to be tethered.
> in terms of the compass.... i've noticed using my analog compass that i
> can't hold it too close to my camera or it is wrong. so i wonder how an
> electronic compass will be able to deal with that.
> finally, in terms of custom exif data.... if we are to build this for
> nikon, we'll need to hack the position data inside the exif data.  i don't
> think there will be any other way. we'll see ;)
> now, what nikon slr should i buy? i've been a canon guy up till now :(
> On Tuesday, December 6, 2011 11:24:10 AM UTC+1, Oskar Sander wrote:
>> Right, I was going to say the same. Most iphone and andorid phone has this
>> capability, soon every little gadget will too. The camera producers need
>> to
>> se the benefit though.   Which I think instant panorama, 3D application
>> etc
>> would be.
>> With GPS there are add ons to e.g. Lightroom that correlates at GPS track
>> with photo timestamp and add position in metadata.   This electronic
>> tripod/attitude could work the same.
>> Cheers
>> /O
>> 2011/12/6 Jeffrey Martin <360c...@gmail.com>
>>> HI Kay,
>>> On Tuesday, December 6, 2011 8:52:59 AM UTC+1, kfj wrote:
>>> A few years ago we had phones. Now we have smartphones. Let's hope we
>>>> also get 'smartcameras'.
>>> I have very little hope at this point. Or, you could consider that "they"
>>> (canon, nikon, etc.) might do it, 5 or 10 years after you think they
>>> should
>>> ;)
>>>> When I look at the computing capacity of my
>>>> camera (as revealed by the quite sophisticated image processing) and
>>>> contrast that to the meagre essentials my firmware allows me to
>>>> manipulate, I feel cheated somehow...
>>> Totally. It is outrageous in fact. There is so much possible, and so
>>> little being done, in the cameras. It is a shame. And they can't even
>>> open
>>> up the camera to allow user scripting. WTF? :(
>>>> I hope open firmware takes off.
>>>> GPS has already made it's way into compact cameras, quite probably
>>>> because geotagging can instantly be recognized by a significant part
>>>> of the general public as a useful feature.
>>> Well, there is still the problem of battery life. I think this is one of
>>> the biggest factors about why there isn't GPS in more cameras. But still
>>> that's a pretty lame excuse.
>>>> Inclinometer data might be
>>>> sold to the public as an aid to automatically level the horizon, and
>>>> since that is one of the commonest photographic mistakes it might be
>>>> the route for these devices into cameras.
>>>> Mind you, probably into compact cameras - and if you have a DSLR
>>>> you'll be asked to fork out 500$ for some bulky stick-on device which
>>>> only works with the top of the range and drains your battery in no
>>>> time. The device you dream of sticking to your camera seems like
>>>> overkill to me. Nice-to-have, but really one of the small sensors like
>>>> those inside a smartphone would do the trick well enough - and they
>>>> are much cheaper, as well :)
>>> That's a good point. It's true that the phones have the same sensors
>>> (magnetometer, accelerometer, gyroscope). You could make an
>>> iphone/android
>>> app to do the same thing.Trouble is of course, how to stick the phone on
>>> your camera's flash hot-shoe? :-)))

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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