On Wednesday, February 8, 2012 2:25:51 PM UTC+1, Harry van der Wolf wrote:
> Only one calculation delivered one match less (floating point accuracy?)

Floating point accuracy will be exactly the same for consecutive runs 
(unless your processor is physically broken), so this cannot be the issue.

I haven't looked at the algorithms used (or the source code at all), but if 
RANSAC (random sampling consensus) is used, the differences can be caused 
by different seeds for the randomizer. Note that in this case it isn't 
really a bug, although it may seem strange. RANSAC needs randomization. The 
results would be the same every time if the "random" values used by RANSAC 
were more or less static (e.g. same initial seed instead of based on the 
computer clock) which would solve this apparent issue. But this is a mere 


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