On 06/12/2012 12:42 PM, Bruno Postle wrote:
On Tue 12-Jun-2012 at 11:03 -0700, JohnPW wrote:

I am interested though in the GUI redesign though, so:
Can anyone give, or point me to the basic information on it?
Is the redesign evolving as new approaches are tried, or is it moving
toward a known endpoint?

Both, though although we have tried to define the endpoint in
discussions in the past, this was never very conclusive.

Most of Thomas' recent work in the gui_overhaul branch is fixing
longstanding problems that have built up over the years as a result of
features being added. New features tend to be minimally intrusive so
that they don't break everything, but the GUI gets inconsistent as a

I'm hoping that once a lot of these obvious fixes are cleared up it will
be easier to get a better idea of where the endpoint should be.

One 'vision' that is being tested at the same time is Pablo's idea to
turn Hugin inside out, to make it more graphical and interactive by
making the preview the main application and relegate the tabular views
in the current main window to secondary status.

The idea here is that Hugin could just be the panorama canvas, where you
drop photos and see them appear where you drop them, you can then drag
them around and/or use automatic alignment. This view of the canvas is
then where you click on photos to navigate into the deeper less
graphical parts of the GUI that give detailed control.

That part I would like.

There are lots of loose ends here, and maybe the result will be
something else altogether, but I'm glad to see the effort being made.

As long as the OpenGL issues are addressed, so using the "panorama canvas" as the main interface doesn't fail when something blows up in the OpenGL underpinnings. If Hugin can fall back to the Classic (tab based) interface in that case, it would still be usable if OpenGL isn't working for some reason.

Gnome Nomad
wandering the landscape of god

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