Hi Terry,

On 14 Jun., 05:17, Tduell <tdu...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> I'm wondering if the context menu in the Pano Editor window is quite right.
> For example, consider the Photos tab. The context menu is the same
> regardless of the display chosen. The context menu allows one to select
> 'new lens', but the lens number associated with each photo is only shown in
> the 'General' display.

You see also the lens number when you group by lenses. In this case
you see the lens number independent of the selected columns.
So it is not so easy to find a logic when each command should be shown
and when not.
Keep also in mind that the context menu is also shown in the optimizer
tab. So you can edit some aspects also there.

So it is a complex issue. And when the context menu is hidden in one
case the next user will complain, why it is not shown in this context.

You can make a proposal. This should take the above mentioned issues
into account. Also it should contain a lot of the context menu items
and not only a single one. Then I can see what is possible.


PS: Currently the context menu contains 22 items. Plus 3 fixed items
(link/unlink/edit/select all/unselect all).

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