Hello Greg,

On Sun, 08 Jul 2012 16:46:07 +1000, Greg 'groggy' Lehey <groog...@gmail.com> wrote:

It's not that simple.  32 bit cpfind doesn't find them here either,
and sometimes the 64 bit version doesn't either.  The images for the
panorama in the diary entry
(http://www.lemis.com/grog/diary-jul2012.php#hugin-bug) are at
if anybody's interested in trying them.  But I doubt it is repeatable

Here, (current gui_default branch, 64 bit, build with gcc-4.7.0-5) cpfind only manages to find CPs on pics xxx-1 and xxx-2. Maybe that is a function of the image resolution. Were you working with the images referred to above, or with higher res versions?

One thing that occurs to me is that maybe the bug is compiler version
sensitive.  I used gcc 4.2 to build this Hugin.  I also have gcc 4.6.4
and gcc 4.7.2.  Does anybody think that might help?

I really don't know. Worth a try building with a later version of gcc.

Terry Duell

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