On Monday,  9 July 2012 at 14:39:40 +0200, Felix Hagemann wrote:
> On 8 July 2012 07:11, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
>> I'm still investigating things, and there's a lot more to say.  It
>> seems that both panomatic and cpfind will create control points on a
>> single image, and not even correctly.  One example is at
>> http://www.lemis.com/grog/diary-jul2012.php#hugin-bug , but I've seen
>> it with cpfind as well.
> Just a quick heads up in case you didn't notice: Those are vertical
> line control points and they look pretty good actually. This is a
> recently added feature (linefind) which adds vertical line control
> points automatically and has nothing to do with either cpfind or
> panomatic.

Thanks for that.  Yes, I noticed that linefind ran, but I didn't
understand the connection with the points.  Maybe that's where the bug
is.  The fact remains that things worked well with the old version and
very badly with the new, but now I have something else to follow up

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