Hi Stan,

First of all: Version 2012.0 has just been released and Yesterday evening
the 2012 bundle has been uploaded. You might just have missed it.

When switching from 2010.4 to 2011.4 I assume you didn't read the "Read Me
First" document inside the dmg. It describes that the integrated openmp
enabled enblend is not compatible on (Mountain) Lion. You should use the
non-openmp version.

In 2011.4 (but also if you use the new 2012.0), you might also try to first
to set all preferences to their defaults on all the tabs of the Preferences

And finally: Since 2011.2 cpfind is the high-quality inthegrated control
point detector. autopano-sift-C and pan-o-matic are deprecated. Not because
they are worse but they are restricted by all kinds of patents.


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