Got another one like this. Interestingly if I skip the fast preview window 
and just go to the Stitcher pane, I can get a rectilinear output just fine.

The effect appears only with that project (and a little on triplane). All 
the others are fine.

Contents of the pro are in-line below.

# hugin project file
#hugin_ptoversion 2
p f2 w8338 h2063 v194  E13.9366 R0 S42,7332,611,1826 n"TIFF_m c:LZW"
m g1 i0 f0 m2 p0.00784314

# image lines
#-hugin  cropFactor=4.8
i w3264 h2448 f0 v71.569775446991 Ra0 Rb0 Rc0 Rd0 Re0 Eev13.9366378213403 
Er1 Eb1 r0 p0 y-80.5404573778347 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Tpy0 Tpp0 j0 a0 
b-0.0875484292446481 c0 d0 e0 g0 t0 Va1 Vb0 Vc0 Vd0 Vx0 Vy0  Vm5 
n"/Users/john_muccigrosso/Pictures/Vicus images/Masters/2009/15 June 
#-hugin  cropFactor=4.80000019073486
i w3264 h2448 f0 v=0 Ra=0 Rb=0 Rc=0 Rd=0 Re=0 Eev14.6147098272241 Er1 Eb1 
r3.19585354253604 p-4.18424447236812 y-37.917728259893 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Tpy0 
Tpp0 j0 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 g=0 t=0 Va=0 Vb=0 Vc=0 Vd=0 Vx=0 Vy=0  Vm5 
n"/Users/john_muccigrosso/Pictures/Vicus images/Masters/2009/15 June 
#-hugin  cropFactor=4.80000019073486
i w3264 h2448 f0 v=0 Ra=0 Rb=0 Rc=0 Rd=0 Re=0 Eev13.9366378213403 Er1 Eb1 
r1.42381380953124 p-7.27818500819498 y4.98069633229237 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Tpy0 
Tpp0 j0 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 g=0 t=0 Va=0 Vb=0 Vc=0 Vd=0 Vx=0 Vy=0  Vm5 
n"/Users/john_muccigrosso/Pictures/Vicus images/Masters/2009/15 June 
#-hugin  cropFactor=4.80000019073486
i w3264 h2448 f0 v=0 Ra=0 Rb=0 Rc=0 Rd=0 Re=0 Eev14.6147098272241 Er1 Eb1 
r-4.31763249067973 p-6.05011075808428 y39.6694040914257 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Tpy0 
Tpp0 j0 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 g=0 t=0 Va=0 Vb=0 Vc=0 Vd=0 Vx=0 Vy=0  Vm5 
n"/Users/john_muccigrosso/Pictures/Vicus images/Masters/2009/15 June 

# specify variables that should be optimized
v v0
v Ra0
v Rb0
v Rc0
v Rd0
v Re0
v Vb0
v Vc0
v Vd0
v Eev1
v r1
v p1
v y1
v Eev2
v r2
v p2
v y2
v Eev3
v r3
v p3
v y3

# control points
c n2 N3 x2429.03224564391 y1749.22080566635 X967.961580162426 
Y1759.3544274765 t0
c n2 N3 x2556.5689911605 y1752.71057217885 X1095.36522482161 
Y1765.02219867082 t0
c n2 N3 x2617.81385013405 y1762.86737893789 X1159.39515422852 
Y1775.76429174853 t0
c n2 N3 x2739.48498222567 y1683.56937782587 X1278.66599118363 
Y1695.00294556666 t0
c n2 N3 x2805.72411763484 y1775.59793546303 X1332.56249155008 
Y1788.46915346177 t0
c n2 N3 x2956.64931179055 y1714.58645904045 X1472.54895196052 
Y1726.7704340417 t0
c n1 N2 x2878.23754001693 y1404.68040993574 X993 Y1341 t0
c n1 N2 x2648.67488071321 y1663.82012193501 X872 Y1615 t0
c n1 N2 x2198.08247266611 y1047.72327598955 X313 Y1004 t0
c n1 N2 x2945.04079809108 y1671.09102372899 X1199 Y1623 t0
c n1 N2 x3053 y1222 X1132.755758106 Y1143.80834650593 t0
c n2 N3 x1522.05724081172 y1655.1940033898 X64 Y1664 t0
c n2 N3 x1677 y1058 X83 Y1093 t0
c n2 N3 x2642 y821 X1241.23943661972 Y821.746478873239 t0
c n0 N1 x2398 y1860 X628.86730215175 Y1734.95027118349 t0
c n0 N1 x1965.17935092488 y853.098266356968 X282 Y753 t0
c n0 N1 x2801 y1209 X937 Y1075 t0
c n0 N1 x3117 y412 X1352.32580453812 Y263.943909736371 t0
c n2 N3 x1838 y1657 X360.141267681625 Y1662.54461926042 t0
c n2 N3 x2155 y1649 X663.171687009634 Y1657.64213081665 t0
c n1 N2 x2350 y1672 X552.925592891253 Y1622.43180757434 t0
c n1 N2 x2035 y1660 X238.280014333458 Y1628.21356042751 t0
c n1 N2 x1926 y837 X45.9718309859155 Y804.507042253521 t0
c n2 N3 x2481 y890 X856.225352112676 Y902.197183098592 t0
c n2 N3 x2729 y1637 X1275.33193927573 Y1647.1096622596 t0
c n2 N3 x2108 y1358 X476.957746478873 Y1367.66197183099 t0
c n1 N2 x3231 y1695 X1522.1410512552 Y1642.62610795079 t0
c n2 N3 x2491.40107856588 y1657.1518831527 X1007 Y1666 t0

# masks
k i0 t0 p"3297 -41 -32 -36 -32 2538 3297 2538 3280 1903 1009 1876 941 441 
3324 387"
k i1 t0 p"-36 1773 3347 1786 3315 2528 -45 2515"
k i1 t0 p"-41 -41 3292 -36 3301 481 -59 445"
k i1 t0 p"-32 1290 982 1715 1000 1969 -77 1965"
k i2 t0 p"-50 1724 3319 1742 3313.89 2538 2267.51 2538 -27 2492"
k i2 t0 p"-50 -50 3297 -50 3306 494 -59 423"
k i2 t0 p"-32 1317 110 1371 311 1411 562 1487 781 1554 906 1576 848 1733 
816 1804 -27 1831"
k i3 t0 p"-41 1750 3301 1720 3297 2537 -41 2475 -41 2479"
k i3 t0 p"-40 329 -41 -32 3297 -14 3310 334 3310 334 3306 334"
k i3 t0 p"2832 -68 3319 -72 3310 2609 2810 2622 2810 2622"

#hugin_optimizeReferenceImage 0
#hugin_blender enblend
#hugin_remapper nona
#hugin_hdrmergeOptions -m avg -c
#hugin_outputLDRBlended true
#hugin_outputLDRLayers false
#hugin_outputLDRExposureRemapped false
#hugin_outputLDRExposureLayers false
#hugin_outputLDRExposureBlended false
#hugin_outputLDRStacks false
#hugin_outputLDRExposureLayersFused false
#hugin_outputHDRBlended false
#hugin_outputHDRLayers false
#hugin_outputHDRStacks false
#hugin_outputLayersCompression LZW
#hugin_outputImageType png
#hugin_outputImageTypeCompression LZW
#hugin_outputJPEGQuality 90
#hugin_outputImageTypeHDR exr
#hugin_outputImageTypeHDRCompression LZW
#hugin_outputStacksMinOverlap 0.7
#hugin_outputLayersExposureDiff 0.5
#hugin_optimizerMasterSwitch 6
#hugin_optimizerPhotoMasterSwitch 21

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