Howdy -- I'm attempting a pano made of 14 images (~10mm on a 1.62x APS-C). 
CPFind doesn't find CPs well unless I drag the images to a rough correct 
overlap, so I do that first.

Then CPFind finds the CPs, I remove some CPs from the clouds, and 
optimization (Pos/Trans/View/Barrel) does a good job. (~average error of 10 

Now the panosphere looks perfect, but the preview pane exhibits some kind 
of odd clipping. In this demo image you can see 
<> that the 
panosphere wraps around perfectly with properly aligned images, but the 
preview window is cut off (approx 180 degree HFOV). This is also how the 
image exports when stitched.

If I try to drag individual images around the panosphere, "strange" things 
happen. Sometimes the images become gradually clipped as they move 
<> in the 
panosphere, but appear normal in the preview pane. Sometimes the opposite 
happens: images look fine in the panosphere, but clip in the preview pane 

What am I missing?

Here are the optimized parameters 

...doesn't look too crazy, right?

Thanks for any ideas!


Operating System: Linux 4.13.0-46-generic x86_64
Architecture: 64 bit
Free memory: 4812004 kiB

Version: 2018.1.0.aac6fbdf0772
Path to resources: /usr/share/hugin/xrc/
Path to data: /usr/share/hugin/data/
Hugins camera and lens database: /home/casey/.hugindata/camlens.db
Multi-threading using C++11 std::thread and OpenMP

wxWidgets: wxWidgets 3.0.3
wxWidgets Library (wxGTK port)
Version 3.0.3 (Unicode: wchar_t, debug level: 1),
Runtime version of toolkit used is 2.24.
Compile-time GTK+ version is 2.24.31.

libpano13: 2.9.19 
Boost: 1.62.0
Exiv2: 0.25
SQLite3: 3.19.3
Vigra: 1.11.0
LittleCMS2: 2.7

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