Dear mailing list,

sorry for being a pest, but this issue is blocking more and more of my 

(See also "enblend oddity" thread.)

I keep running into the issue that enblend determines that my seam lines 
are defective, triggering the check in mask.h:969. What exactly is causing 
isolated points in images?

I included a minimal example again, 2 images which can be found 
enblending them gives the following output:

$ enblend -o result.tif --compression=DEFLATE  -f101957x17605+4588+1257 
image0.tif image1.tif 
enblend: info: loading next image: image0.tif 1/1
enblend: info: loading next image: image1.tif 1/1
enblend: encountered degenerate image/mask geometry; too high risk of 
defective seam line

Now, it could be my input images, as some other panoramas work fine. How 
can I set the black-alpha-mask-check-isolated-points-threshold parameter? 
I'd like to see the masks generated, which I obviously can't, as no output 
is created.
Or, it could be a bug somewhere. If you reverse the order of the two 
images, everything works. Doesn't that indicate a bug?

Help me, hugin mailing list, you're my only hope.


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