First maybe without the source code if I need to install almost a new 
system to change one constant.

I have searched for "_blended_fused" string in the *hugin_version_number\bin 
It occurs only twice in *hugin.exe*, in lines 9757 and 9759. No occurences 
in other files. (if not encoded in UTF-16, because I have no editor to 
search for text in UTF-16) 
*output_blended_fused_bitmap* and a sequence of NUL (zeros)
The same for _fused, two occurences in the same lines, but it is not just 
*but *_fused_blended*
*output_fused_blended_bitmap* and a sequence of zeros.

Now I am unsure if these strings are responsible for generating filenames
or they are parts of GUI, the displayed text in menu
or they are internal labels of the program. 

*blended_fused* contains 13 characters. If I replace them with two 
character *bf* and add 11 zeros after 
*_bitmap *to preserve relative offsets and the total length of the file 
will remain unchanged.
Is there a chance to work?
This way I modified displayed text in games and other .exe files and they 

I used the alternative that you suggested, to rename files after the fact. 
*Bulk Rename Utility *that changed thousands of _blended_fused and _fused 
suffiixed to _bf and _fd, but...
these files are often included in projects, such as video slideshows, batch 
photo post-processing
or just refining the panorama in Hugin by masking and merging both images 
into one.
The filenames remain in projects and the project files become useless after 

I am interested how to customize the executor. In Hugin settings there is 
no such option. I can define only the main filename, not suffixes.

On Friday, October 9, 2020 at 11:45:40 PM UTC+2 Anaglyphic wrote:

> Hi. COVID sucks, I have a half hour to kill. Here's a small novel.
> ----
> Yes. Both. Yes. Sure, skip down / skim, or just read it.
> Assuming you extracted the hugin source thusly?
> D:\code\hugin\hugin-2019.2.0> grep -RHEn "(_blended_fused|_fused)" * 
> StitchingExecutor.cpp:697:                const wxString 
> fusedExposureLayersFilename(prefix + wxT("_blended_fused.") + 
> opts.outputImageType);
> StitchingExecutor.cpp:738:                    const wxString 
> fusedStacksFilename(prefix + wxT("_fused.") + opts.outputImageType);
> Just change the text in the quotes to "_bf" and "_fd" and compile. Doing 
> it this way will change it so any reference by any of the multiple programs 
> that make up hugin will use your truncated names, and nothing will break or 
> require hand-editing to fix. (Note this is not what you should be doing, 
> but that is what you asked for.) You'll need to install a LOT of tools, 
> first of all even grep is not part of Windows by default. There's no unix 
> dev environment by default. You can enable the Windows Subsystem for Linux 
> (WSL) if you want to get that going, but you'll still need a full GNU dev 
> environment and all the prerequisites installed and properly configured.
> Don't take this the wrong way, you were trying to hexedit the precompiled 
> binary of an open-source project to change it, so this is might be a long 
> road for you for something simple.
> I'd suggest 2 alternatives. 1) Just write a batch file to rename the files 
> after-the-fact, or 2) customize an executor so you can make your own output 
> filenames, that's what most of us do.
> Let me outline an example:
> Go into Program Files\Hugin\share\hugin\data, pick the one you have the 
> problem with _blended_fused, which is fused_layers.executor. Copy that to 
> something else, abri_fused_layers.executor then edit it. (use something 
> that understands unix line endings like notepad++ / bluefish / brackets / 
> even wordpad) Change the Description= and Help= lines, to make it something 
> unique, now go down to the Result line and change it to read something like 
> Result=%prefix%_bf.tif
> That's it. Save and exit. Now load up an already-optimized and 
> ready-to-stitch .pto file in hugin gui, click Output / User defined output 
> sequences / and the Description you chose. Boom, there it goes. And there 
> goes your intermediate files being named what you wanted. You can make as 
> many of these as you need, every scenario every file type, there's enough 
> examples in that directory for you to customize anything you want, and 
> again, no recompiling required. You could make your own assistant if you 
> chose to.
> I'm not sure if there's a default one that you can change the executor of 
> that will change the hugin GUI so that when clicking the Stitch! button 
> with fused and blend settings, it'll use your modified version, or if 
> you'll need to recompile for that. But this here will get you going.
> Have a great day.
> On Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 9:36:25 AM UTC-4 Abrimaal wrote:
>> Are the suffixes generated by hugin.exe or one of the co-apps?
>> I could try to recomplile from source, just tell me in which file are the 
>> suffixes defined.
>> On Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 12:46:40 AM UTC+2 Abrimaal wrote:
>>> What files should I modify to shorten the _blended_fused and _fused 
>>> suffixes to *_bf *and *_fd* ? 
>>> Multiple stitching of panoramas and making collages creates extremely 
>>> long filenames. 
>>> Then automatic renaming that obviously doesn't rename contents of .pto 
>>> files, if a file with _blended_fused suffix is added to a new .pto project 
>>> file
>>> I already tried, but there are too many blended_fused strings only in 
>>> the main .exe file.
>>> So I don't know which of them are responsible for filename suffixes, 
>>> which of them may be labels, variables or commands.

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