Sorry. Long mail.

Op za 6 mrt. 2021 om 20:03 schreef yuv <>:

> From far away, it looks like there are four alternatives:
> (a) do nothing;
> (b) distribute pv along Hugin;
> (c) integrate pv's functionalities into Hugin; or
> (d) integrate Hugin's functionalities into pv.
My vote would be for (b), just like Kay himself also mentions.

> How far is pv from being a replacement to Hugin, and do you see it
> going there?
> Not there (yet). Hugin has way more tweaking options to create great
looking panos. Translations for example are not supported by pv (yet?), and
neither are masks.
Next to that: The Hugin assistant makes things way more easy than currently
in pv. Of course: also getting the most out of Hugin, as in pv, requires
some in-depth knowledge.
Also: pv's goal is to also improve your already created images (or

> Conversely, how different is pv from Hugin and how difficult would be
> that integration work?  I suspect that the use of a different GUI
> Toolkit is a major obstacle, but your expertise my intuition wrong?
> Which brings us to what I understand is your proposal, to distributed
> pv along Hugin.  The cost to Hugin are "only" more build/distribution
> complexity.  Or am I missing something?  And it does not seem to be
> such a heavy toll, based on Harry's feedback here.  Do the benefits to
> Hugin's users justify the extra build/distribution complexity?  And are
> there things that can be done to reduce that complexity, e.g. moving pv
> from bitbucket to the same repo as Hugin?
I can't and won't say anything about the difference in code. I leave that
to the experts.
But indeed: I see it as a supplementary tool. At least for the time being.
It can be added to Hugin as an extra app bundle (apple) or as a tool, or as
an extra exe (on windows). Linux is of course the easiest one.
When looking at Hugin, like yuv described, Hugin is really a combination of
all kind of tools.
Enblend and enfuse need to be dragged in (or multiblend for that matter).
libpano13 is often too old and needs to be built as well. Both on windows
and mac almost everything needs to be downloaded and compiled.

For me integration is not one big monolithic binary doing everything, but a
suite consisting of nicely integrated tools via APIs.
If you look at web technology where all kind of technologies need to be
connected, you see that APIs (or interfaces or "command line" parameters on
a local platform, if you like) are the way forward to connect and integrate
different technologies.
This also allows for developments (leaps in developments) in the separate
tools as long as the API or interfaces remains consistent. Adding an extra
option will not break anything.
I am not a programmer (weel, an amateur at best), but in my work we bring a
lot to the cloud where you have saas, paas, iaas solutions on a number of
platforms (AWS, Microsoft, Google to name the biggest ones) which you want
to talk to each other (in a safe and secure way). Nobody nowadays does
everything in one "tool".

Why not pv also? It uses the same libraries as already necessary for Hugin
and all the tools, with one "extra": Vc, and Vc needs to be of high enough
version. Which means it can be treated like libpano.

And with regard to integration: pv started as panorama viewer. In Hugin you
could add as setting: "Open created panorama in pv", just like we do with
another non-C, non WxWidgets, non-integrated tool being exiftool acting on
our created pano from our original images.
Opening pv from Hugin after creation gives you an immediate view on your
And pv can in that case also give you immediate options to tweak your
created panorama.

And in 5 years or 10 years? Who knows.


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    • Re: [hugi... 'Kay F. Jahnke' via hugin and other free panoramic software
  • Re: [hugin-ptx... Harry van der Wolf
    • Re: [hugi... 'Kay F. Jahnke' via hugin and other free panoramic software
      • Re: [... Harry van der Wolf
        • R... 'Kay F. Jahnke' via hugin and other free panoramic software
          • ... yuv
          • ... 'Kay F. Jahnke' via hugin and other free panoramic software
          • ... yuv
          • ... Monkey
          • ... 'Kay F. Jahnke' via hugin and other free panoramic software
          • ... Harry van der Wolf
          • ... Bruno Postle
          • ... 'Kay F. Jahnke' via hugin and other free panoramic software
          • ... yuv
          • ... Gunter Königsmann
          • ... 'Kay F. Jahnke' via hugin and other free panoramic software
          • ... yuv
          • ... 'Kay F. Jahnke' via hugin and other free panoramic software
          • ... yuv
          • ... 'Kay F. Jahnke' via hugin and other free panoramic software
          • ... Harry van der Wolf

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